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3Baccos - Lima Concentré 30ML
Un mélange riche et crémeux combiné avec une saveur de tabac...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Fruit Cherry concentrate 10ml
Tobacco Cherry, a Bourbon Tobacco mixed with a famous...
3Baccos - Ankara Concentré 30ML
Une nuance de tabac turque avec une touche corsé et sucré...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastard No.72 Cookie...
Tobacco Bastards No.72 Cookie is a combination of a tobacco...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards Mystere No 2...
Tobacco Bastards Mystere N°02 is a combination of a tobacco...
GP Juice by FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards No. 1...
The perfect combination of Cohiba cigars and intense nutty...
Flavormonks - Tobacco Bastards No. 21 Mint Short...
Pure generic tobacco flavor with a natural mint taste. A...
GP Juice by FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards No. 43...
The light natural tobacco flavor blends with tones of sweet...
FlavorMonks - Rolling Tabacco Concentrate 10ml
Rolling Tobacco is an intense, smoky tobacco flavor with a...
3Baccos - Jakarta Concentré 30ML
Un tabac accompagné d’un Goût de menthe rafraîchissant...
Samouraï - Samouraï Classic 50ml
A delicious caramelized popcorn with a touch of honey and a...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards Mystere No 1...
Tobacco Bastards Mystere N°01 is a combination of a tobacco...
Custard Bastards by FlavorMonks - French Beignet...
The exterior is a delicate touch of a slightly bready,...
Samouraï - Samouraï Classic concentrate 30ML
A delicious caramelized popcorn with a touch of honey and a...
FlavorMonks - Amsterdreamer Concentrate 10ml
Amsterdreamer tastes like a blend of Virginia tobacco balanced...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Fruit Strawberry Concentrate10ml
Tobacco fruit Strawberry A delicious ripe strawberry flavour...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Fruit Blackberry concentrate 10ml
Tobacco Blackberry, is a base of Dark Fire tobacco mixed with...
Teslacigs - Mod Punk 86W 1.5
Teslacigs' Punk 86W 1.5 mod, a true icon of the vaping scene,...
Teslacigs - Box Punk II 220W
Introducing the latest iteration of the iconic Punk 220W, now...
FlavorMonks - Silk Gold Concentrate 10ml
Silk Gold flavoring tastes like tobacco made from the finest...
FlavorMonks - Ultimate RY4 Concentrate 10ml
Classic Bastards Ultimate RY4 Tobacco The best combination of...
FlavorMonks - Big Desert Concentrate 10ml
Big Desert has the taste of a dry, mature Middle Eastern...