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GP Juice by FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards No. 1...
The perfect combination of Cohiba cigars and intense nutty...
FlavorMonks - Big Desert Concentrate 10ml
Big Desert has the taste of a dry, mature Middle Eastern...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards No.13 Cohiba...
A nice, light tobacco flavor with sweet, nutty, slightly...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards No. 33 Light...
A versatile, nutty, light tobacco flavor with hints of caramel...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards No. 17 Dark Fire...
A very smokey tobacco flavor with nutty, meaty, burnt sugar...
FlavorMonks - Tobacco Bastards No. 9 Bourbon...
A nice, light tobacco flavor with sweet, nutty, slightly...